In Tharaka, girls almost never complete their education. The main causes of this failure are the marginalization of women and the mutilation of girls. The schools do not have running water, so students have to fetch water from home and fatigue sets in when not enough water is consumed. If we add to this the fact that it is the girls who carry the water in heavy jerry cans from the nearest river to their homes and schools, the problem is aggravated. Therefore, having easy access to water helps to reduce school absenteeism and improve academic performance.
The installation of the tank allows the girls attending Tharaka Secondary School to have stored rainwater. In times of drought, a tanker truck can be hired to supply the tank with water if the rainfall is not sufficient. This school was chosen because it is a model of good management by its headmaster and is in a particularly poor area.
This project has ensured that 105 people now have access to drinking water.
In follow-up