The intervention area is the village of Sankuli kunda in the Central River area of The Gambia. It is a disadvantaged area, with poverty and few means. They have total water shortages which leads to food shortages. Children have to walk between 5 and 10 km to go to school, at 45-50 degrees Celsius. Thanks to the well, the population has access to safe drinking water, improving their health, hygienic habits and food security.
Manual drilling of a well with installation of a solar pump powered by 6 panels and a tank of 5,000 liters capacity. Finally, plumbing for water intake for consumption and irrigation. We are working with a group of well diggers already trained, so that they have all the necessary material for the construction, tools, molds, etc. The president of the garden is responsible for the maintenance of the well.
This project has resulted in 1,500 people now having access to drinking water.
In follow-up
5.250,00 €