The population of Ponmalaipatti has suffered a significant reduction in water table due to low monsoon rainfall in the last 5 years. It's the biggest drought in 140 years. The impact of the lack of drinking water on children is terrible. Diarrhoea increases children's malnutrition and its consequences harm them both physically and mentally. The well will be built inside the school campus and will be for the exclusive use of the students of the center, since the shortage of water is very acute.
The drilling point of the well is chosen according to the criterion of a zahorí. After identifying the excavation point, the submersible electric motor and the necessary accessories for water extraction are acquired and a specialized company is hired to dig the well with the necessary depth. The submersible motor is inserted into the well at the required depth depending on the water supply. Finally, a plumber installs the water extraction engines and piping, once the supply reserve tanks are installed.
This project has achieved that today 1,163 people have access to drinking water.
In follow-up