The population of Tamil Nadu is suffering from the worst drought in the area for 140 years. The poor monsoons of recent years have not provided enough water to replenish the area's water table, and as a result many of the wells that once provided water have now stopped. The water used, in many cases, is water in poor condition, which causes all kinds of intestinal diseases. In addition, the lack of water causes a lack of hygiene, which helps the appearance of infectious diseases.
The wells are built in schools and parishes, providing water to students and neighbors. The implementation of the project is divided into the following phases:
1) Drilling of the well.
2) Installation of submersible pump.
3) Installation of the 1,000 liter capacity tank.
4) Piping between the submersible pump and the tank.
This project has enabled 2,000 people to have access to drinking water.