In Turkana North County, the population is marginalized due to the lack of health, education and communication infrastructures, etc. The population is semi-nomadic and depends on their herds of goats, donkeys and camels.
Water and pasture represent an incalculable value for the survival of families. If these elements are scarce, families are vulnerable, especially children, pregnant women and the elderly.
With the periodic and constant droughts, this system is increasingly fragile, so for several years, MCSPA has maintained a program to promote aquifer infrastructures such as the construction of rock and earth dams and the drilling of wells.
The project is aimed at improving the water infrastructure by drilling a well. The well will be drilled with a drilling rig leased from a company in Lokichokio, (Turkana) that has sufficient experience in the area. This
The drilling rig allows reaching a depth of 110 mt. sufficient to reach the aquifers that are fed by seasonal rivers.
The distances are enormous and the plan is to bring water closer to the people so that at the same time that we ensure the survival of their livestock, we improve the health of the whole family and we can start small family gardens where there is a well for the production of vegetables and fruits that, in addition to improving the family's nutrition, provide them with income from the sale of their products.
This project has provided 2,400 people with access to drinking water.