Lack of drinking water.
This problem affects the most disadvantaged populations to a greater extent.
- In 2017, the drought caused the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II, with 20 million people on the verge of starvation.
- About a thousand children die every day for lack of water.
- In the case of women and girls, they spend up to 40 billion hours a year collecting water and are therefore unable to spend time caring for their families and studying.
- Forty per cent of the world's population is affected by water scarcity and up to 700 million people are at risk of displacement as a result of the projected drought in 2030.
- People with disabilities have the least access to water and sanitation services, contributing to their isolation, poor health and poverty.
- Since 1946 there have been 246 water-related conflicts.
AUARA, committed to universal access to drinking water 365 days a year
At AUARA we allocate 100% of our dividends to social projects to bring drinking water to populations that lack it.
- We have developed 37 projects in populations in extreme poverty belonging to 15 countries in Africa, Asia and Central America.
- Through the construction of wells and rainwater collection tanks, AUARA has managed to supply an accumulated volume of more than 13.2 million litres of drinking water until 2018, which has directly benefited around 22,596 people in these territories.
- Our goal is to bring drinking water to more than 200,000 people over the next five years.
- In September 2016, we became the first Spanish company to achieve the Social Enterprise Mark certification, which impartially certifies our social work and that dividends are dedicated to this end.